You Are
What You Eat!
Eating is
a part of our everyday lives. We eat as it is essential for our survival. But
are we aware on what we are eating? Do we actually understand what are the
benefits and harms of the food we are consuming to our body? The answer for
these questions for most of you readers is NO!
Fast food
chain outlets such as McDonalds, Burger King, KFC are everywhere in the world.
And due to their rich flavours human crave for it. Little do they know that
what they are consuming is worse than eating their own shit. In fact it is a
lot healthier eating shit than that garbage most of our society call food. Dear
readers I am about to enlighten you on the chemicals these scoundrels in
McDonalds have been using to produce the food you crave for so much. I would
like to ask you to leave this blog as after reading the next paragraph your
view on McDonalds will never be the same again. Let’s first start with the
McNuggets. Every child’s favourite. McNuggets are made of 50% white chicken.
And guess what the other 50% is made of. You guess it chemicals. Dr Mercola a
researcher on this McNuggets quoted "Chicken McNuggets, rather than being merely
chicken fried in a pan, are a McFrankenstein creation of various elements not
utilized by the home cook." Now
what are these chemicals found in McFrankenstein Chicken McNuggets?
Coming in first place is an organic chemical known
as dimethylpolysiloxane.
This is the chemical commercially used in cosmetics, hair conditioners, and
dare I say it filler fluid in breast implants. Yeah that’s right you’re eating
food plastic surgeons use to enlarge breast. Congratulations! Now let’s go into
detail about this chemical. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) belongs to a group of polymeric organosilicon compounds that are commonly
referred to as silicones. PDMS is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer, and is particularly known for
its unusual rheological (or flow) properties. PDMS is
optically clear, and, in general, is considered to be inert, non-toxic and
non-flammable. I know what you must be thinking, Its NON-TOXIC. Yes my dear
reader it does say non-toxic but think about Dimethylpolysiloxane, although typically listed
as an “antioxidant,” is not a natural antioxidant but instead a synthetic
chemical preservative found in many processed foods, varnishes, lacquers, and
pesticides, among others. Would you eat that? I know I won’t and I haven’t even
gotten to the best part.
Structure Of the Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
that, tertiary
butylhydroquinone is also present. What’s so dangerous about this chemical one
may ask. Well “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives, quoted”One gram
can cause nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of
suffocation, and collapse.” Yeah that’s right too many of those Chicken
McNuggets made by McFrenkenstein and the Grim Reaper will be knocking on your
door. Tertiary butylhydroquinone is more often used as a food preservative. And
although both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have evaluated TBHQ and
determined that it is safe to consume at the concentration allowed in foods, we
cannot ignore the fact that Tertiary butylhuydroquinone can promote the
activation of cancerous cells when we are exposed to it for a long period of
time. After knowing this will you dear reader continue to eat food from
McDonalds? Will you value your life as it is? By the way this is only on the
McNuggets, I haven’t even begun to mention McFrenkenstein’s French fries and
burgers which I WILL in my next blog entry.
To find
out more on what McDonalds and other Fast Food Chain Outlests have been doing
to our body there was a documentary called Super Size Me that really opened my
eyes. Here is the link for the full video